Why You Should Order Your Memorial in July

Home / Cemetery in Guelph / Why You Should Order Your Memorial in July

Memorials may be one of the most important parts of remembering the life of a loved one when they pass. Not only do memorials mark where family and friends are laid to rest, but they also share a history and add to the beauty of places like Woodlawn Memorial Park.

While a memorial can be ordered at any time of year, we believe there are many advantages to ordering your memorial in July.

Why July?

The Process Takes Time

The memorial process requires several steps and it can take time from the moment you start to look at your options to when your memorial is complete.

Step One: You’ll meet with one of our team members to discuss your vision for the memorial. If you’re not sure what you want, our memorialists will help guide you through the options.

Step Two: We’ll transfer the design from paper to granite. We’ll also ensure that the finished memorial will be within the cemetery bylaws for its location in the cemetery.

Step Three: Acquire your granite of choice. Granite comes in a variety of beautiful colours and it’s extracted from many countries around the world. Depending on your choice of granite, we may have to import it and this process can take time.

Take Advantage of the Good Weather

Summer is a great time to tour the cemetery for ideas. You can visit our huge outdoor showroom or take a walk and observe the various designs.

In most cases, granite is ordered in July. This allows the memorial to be installed before the winter weather impedes the process.

When a monument is ordered in July, it also guarantees the monument’s foundation will be poured and will avoid all weather-related delays.

Whether you’re looking for a monument, a bronze marker or inscription services, our knowledgeable team members are here to explain all of your options. Contact us to speak to a memorialist or ask any questions you might have.

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